Presentation of local products of Kyotango-city in consideration of the cancellation of the 17th International Friendship Race in Historical Road Tango 100km Ultramarathon 2017.

The 17th International Friendship Race in Historical Road Tango 100km Ultramarathon 2017 was cancelled at the first time ever in 17 years of history due to the approach of the typhoon 18th "TALIM".
We apologize to have cancelled the last event in spite of having the 3,662 runners, whose numbers are the largest in record.
We appreciate your understanding our decision of the cancellation in consideration of a safety for the runners, volunteers, and the person concerned.
We prepare the 18th International Friendship Race in Histrical Road Tango 100km Ultramarathon 2018 so that one can save runner better than before.
Considering the opinion from runners about the last event, we concluded that we are going to send to all of the runners registrated in last year. The gift will be the local product of Kyotango-city. The detailed information is written as below. We hope you will enjoy our gifts.
The Organizer and volunteers are looking forward to meet you again in the 2018 Ultramarathon.
1. About the gifts
Further details about the gifts, the way of application, and the time of delivery will be announced in late April.
2. The way of announcement
The announcement will be made by e-mail, in our website and our Facebook page.
Historical Road Tango 100km UltraMarathon Organizing Committee
Chairman Masanao Misaki

Special Sponsor


